Archive for the tag “Funny”

Of Moons, Birds and Monsters

FACT: This is the 1,637th post you’ve read about the Mayan Apocalypse BUT this is the first one you’ve come across that suggests the apocalypse has actually already occurred.  Most people look around and see the earth still rotating on it’s axis (as of this publishing) and come to the conclusion that we all came through the apocalypse unscathed.  But did we?

Maybe the world really did end and we’re all zombies who just happen to be incredibly tech savvy.

Maybe the guy on the left is the real Zombie.

Maybe the guy on the left is the real Zombie and he’s just encountered an extremely friendly lady.

Are zombies even the least bit self-aware?  Science tells us that zombies tend to see themselves as normal, living beings, and the reason they attack the living is because they appear to them as the undead.  I know everyone’s first instinct when approaching an undead horde has always been “shoot first, ask questions later,” but in light of recent scientific knowledge, maybe it’s better to think twice about this antiquated approach.


The Mayans were really shitty artists.

Of course, if we are all currently zombies, then we have no need for this school of thought anyway.  If we’re all zombies, then the Mayan’s were right this entire time and they’ll never get the credit they deserve.  That’s a bit tragic really.


Don’t forget to leave out brain and milk for Santa this year, you know, just in case.

Anyway, I hope Zombie Claus brings you everything you wanted this year.  See you in 2013.


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